Cutting of cold-rolled coils at SSC Hradec Králové

Steel Service Centre (SSC) in Hradec Králové opened at the end of 2002 so that Ferona could offer customers cutting of steel rolls as per their requirements. The Steel Service Centre has equipment for both longitudinal and lateral cutting of steel rolls. The SSC also has a test lab.

The service centre's products are sold by employees of Ferona's sales departments.

The Steel Service Centre has a quality management system per EN ISO 9001:2015 and IATF 16949:2016. 9001 certificate available for download. 16949 certificate available for download. 16949 certificate appendix available for download.

Material: rolled steel, zinc-plated, coated, corrosion-resistant

Value Unit Min. Max.
Tensile strength Rm 1 MPa 270 750/1400*
Upper yield point Re 1 MPa 140 550/1150*

* when knives are used to cut high-strength materials

Raw material (roll)

Value Unit Min. Max.
Width mm 500 1 600
Thickness mm 0.3 3
Weight on source spindle t   30
Inner diameter mm 508
with 610 rubber bushing
Outer diameter mm 800 2000

Longitudinal cutting line

Finished material (roll)

Value Unit Min. Max.
Strip width mm 25 1 600
Inner diameter mm 508/610  
Outer diameter mm 700 2000
Weight on receiving spindle t   30


Packaged weight

Value Unit Vertical central axis Horizontal central axis
Weight of individual rolls t Max. 3 Max. 15
Weight of roll bundles t Max. 5 Max. 15

Maximum deviations of longitudinally cut strips depend on the thickness of the material being cut

|The capability of the longitudinal cutting line depending on ultimate tensile strength and on material thickness

Rate m/min. 200
Ultimate tensile strength (MPa) 300 450 750 1000 1200 1400
Material thickness (mm) number of strips
0.30 30 30 25 20 15 10
0.50 30 30 20 15 12 8
1.00 30 25 15 12 10 6
1.50 25 20 11 8 7 5
Rate m/min. 100
Ultimate tensile strength (MPa) 300 450 750 1000 1200 1400
Material thickness (mm) number of strips
1.50 25 20 11 8 7 5
2.00 20 15 9 7 6 4
2.50 16 12 7 6 4 3
3.00 10 7 4 4 3 2

The line's production rate is up to 200 m/min. The longitudinal cutting line can produce up to 4 orders at once. The orders are then sorted on the packaging line, individual rolls (strips) are bound and tied together on a pallet or frame. Rolls are protected from the elements as per the customer's specifications (stretch film, anti-corrosion paper).

Cut-to-length line 1

Material: rolled steel, zinc-plated, coated, corrosion-resistant

Value Unit Min. Max.
Tensile strength Rm 1 MPa 270 750/1400*
Upper yield point Re 1 MPa 140 550/1150*

* when knives are used to cut high-strength materials

Raw material (roll)

Value Unit Min. Max.
Width mm 300 1 600
Thickness mm 0.4 3
Weight on source spindle t   30
Inner diameter mm 508
with 610 rubber bushing
Outer diameter mm 700 2000


Finished material (sheet metal)

Value Unit Min. Max.
Width mm 300 1 600
Thickness mm 0.4 3
Sheet length mm 300* 4000 (14,000)*

Note: information marked * can be produced with prior arrangements with the SSC

Package size

Value Unit Min. Max.
Bundle weight t   5
Bundle height (without pallet) mm   400
Pallet height mm  130 180

Cut-to-length line 2

Material: rolled steel, zinc-plated, coated, corrosion-resistant

Value Unit Min. Max.
Tensile strength Rm 1 MPa   900
Upper yield point Re 1 MPa   750
Elongation % 20  

Raw material (roll)

Value Unit Min. Max.
Width mm 100 1 000
Thickness mm 0.4 2
Weight on source spindle t   18
Inner diameter mm 508 610
Outer diameter mm 800 1800


Finished material (sheet metal)

Value Unit Min. Max.
Width mm 100 1 000
Thickness mm 0.4 2
Sheet length mm 200 2000

Package size

Value Unit Min. Max.
Bundle weight t   3
Bundle height (without pallet) mm 30 370
Pallet height mm   130

Cut sheet length tolerances depend on material thickness.

Standard maximum deviation from perpendicular for the sides of cut sheets

|Sheet dimensions up to* [mm]
500 x 500 1000 x 1000 1000 x 2000 1250 x 2500 1500 x 3000 1500 x 4000
Max. permissible diagonal difference [mm]
2.5 3.0 3.5 4.,0 5.0 6.5
Note: Dimensions not specified in the table are recalculated across sheet size.


Standard tolerances for sheet flatness

Grade of steel DC01 - DC06, mat. with upper yield point < 260 MPa DX51D and mat. with higher yield point
Nominal width [mm] Nominal thickness [mm]
< 0.7 0.7 ≤ t < 1.2 t ≥ 1.2 < 0.7 0.7 ≤ t < 1.2 t ≥ 1.2
Tolerances [mm]
w < 1200 5 5 5 8 6 5
1200 ≤ w < 1500 6 5 5 9 8 6
w ≥ 1500 8 7 6 12 10 9

For wavelength size up to 200 mm, flatness deviation must not exceed 2 mm.

The line's production rate is up to 90 m/min. The cut-to-length line produces bundles of sheet metal. The bundles are then wrapped in anti-corrosion paper and banded together on the packaging line. Edges are protected with corner protectors.

Hydraulic cutting table

To increase the scope of available services, a hydraulic machine for cutting sheet metal from flat sheets was added to the SSC. The range of thicknesses that can be cut are 0.4 to 6 mm, and up to 3080 in length. The maximum strength of materials being cut depends on their thickness. For thicknesses 0.4-4 mm, the maximum strength is 750 MPa, and for thicknesses 4-6 mm the maximum strength is 450 MPa. Width tolerance is +0.5;-0.5 mm.

Ordering sheet metal cutting at the SSC

Send a request for quote or order to any Ferona branch (via post, fax, in person, phone, or email – see contacts).

If we will be cutting your own material, the request/order has to clearly specify this.

|The business unit will pass your request/order on to the relevant salesperson or clerk, who will then:

  • add/clarify your requirements (dimensions including tolerances, quality, and surface finish, total quantity, weight and packaging method, due date, and delivery method;
  • put together a quote;
  • issue a purchase agreement (if all aspects of the agreement have been clarified).

If we will be cutting the customer's material, when and how the material will be shipped to Ferona's SSC warehouse in Hradec Králové must be clarified.

File description Size File for download
Certificate IATF 16949:2016 488.07 KB PDF
Certificate IATF 16949:2016 Appendix 420.62 KB PDF
Certificate EN ISO 9001:2015 SSC HK 271.98 KB PDF